Friday, September 24, 2010

The need for a blog

Despite the title, I don't need to blog.  I just need a blog.  It's a career thing.  I'm a public librarian.  I don't publish -- my job doesn't hinge on publishing.  I DO write.  A lot.

I write myriad emails to everyone on earth.  I write copy for web pages and brochures.  I write letters of recommendation; letters to irate patrons; letters to vendors...  I tweet and post on Facebook.  I spend most of my days and nights writing.  And yet.  When it comes to "showing off" my writing in a professional capacity, I have nothing to show!  Not one published article.  My tweets are about food or music gigs.  My posts are my tweets -- or they're comments on things my friends have posted about. 

So here's my dilemma. I'm going to run for an "office" in a major professional association.  As I was filling out the form, there it is.  List Publications (limit to only 3 publications!).  Put on the BIG BRAKES!  I have no publications.  I have the aforementioned emails, copy and letters.  Tweets and posts.  What to do?  I want to be taken seriously as a candidate.  Academic librarians are voting!  They publish!  I can't pull publications out of my...  

book bag!

Then it came to me.  I can blog.  Librarians take blogging seriously.  I will be a serious Librarian Blogger.  I will be profound and insightful.  For about 3 posts. 


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